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Tucker: Defense of Ukraine’s Democracy Has Led to a Deterioration of Our Own

Tucker Defense of Ukraine's Democracy

Tucker Defense of Ukraine's Democracy

The actions of Russia in Ukraine have received no support from any reasonable American. We don’t, and we don’t know anyone else who does, either!

Dems on Twitter are claiming responsibility for the invasion and supporting it in some way, implying that their political opponents are to blame for it. As a result of Joe Biden and his staff’s mismanagement of the world, Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, despite Biden’s claims that he could have prevented it for months. There you go a slanderous fabrication.

To the greatest extent possible, everyone in our country agrees that the invasion of Ukraine is a bad thing. Both Vladimir Putin and the United States are guilty of bad behavior. As a result, in the United States, those are the accepted truths. We’re done debating them. Is there anything else we can do? No amount of Putin’s badness can excuse us from our duty to think clearly about the best ways to save our country and the free world.


On February 14, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu meet at the Kremlin in Moscow.
On February 14, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu meet at the Kremlin in Moscow. Images courtesy of Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images show ALEXEI NIKOLSKY/Sputnik

As a result of Putin’s badness, making sensible decisions in the United States is more necessary than ever, but it is also more difficult to do. It’s difficult to see the big picture when you’re enraged. It’s worth your time to check out Tanner Greer’s post, which was published this morning. “Pausing at the Precipice” is the title of the piece. Greer began by noting that Russia has won our trust. As a result of Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine, many Americans have grown to loathe the Russian leader. Moral anger isn’t enough for them. Foreign policy cannot be based on a moral outcry.

Greer argues that moral outrage can even be harmful. It’s helpful, but there’s a catch. “Reacting to injustice righteously can be harmful. In power politics, outcomes rather than intentions are most important. Stopping to reflect on our choices might lead to quick-fix solutions that may serve our interests in the short term, but end up causing more harm than good in the long run.”

Tucker Defense of Ukraine’s Democracy

Exactly. It’s a well-written piece. Alternatively, our leaders have the power to turn this painful and explosive moment into a historic catastrophe. It’s nothing new for them. As of tonight, we should be concerned about the following two things: First and foremost, this conflict has the potential to spiral out of control. We could see a lot of American deaths.

According to Joe Biden, the United States will not send soldiers to Ukraine. In addition, Biden stated that he was against vaccine mandates. Is he, then, being completely honest? Even if Biden is telling the truth, he has no way of knowing what will happen in the future. Is Biden able to predict what will happen in the following few days? Weeks? Months? Even years? It’s impossible.

As we already know, many in Washington are advocating an all-out conflict with Russia, which possesses nuclear weapons. A no-fly zone over Ukraine is what they want. American forces would then be able to destroy Russian planes in Ukrainian airspace, while also eradicating Russian radars and other infrastructure. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian president, has endorsed this idea. Why would he not be? While many in Congress support a no-fly zone, Joe Biden has advocated for it, and he’s not the only one. Adam Kinzinger is the man in question.

REP. ADAM KINZINGER: I believe it is time for the United States and NATO to declare a no-fly zone over Ukraine at Ukraine’s request. That is surely something we are capable of. Our ability to disrupt Russian aviation operations is still very much in our hands even if we don’t physically attack Russian forces on the ground.

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“Even if we don’t physically battle Russian forces on the ground, we can cut down Russian aviation operations.” As a result, such a statement is untrue. To say that Kinzinger’s claim is dishonest would be an understatement. By definition, engaging Russian forces would require shooting down Russian planes and destroying Russian radar sites. There is a real possibility of nuclear war if Vladimir Putin is half as nasty and insane as the media portrays him to be.

For Adam Kinzinger, it’s a no-brainer: he has nothing to lose by doing so. End of the road for him. He’s a scumbag. Nothing is at stake for him. Because our country is on the line. We are a family. Before we do something, we should pause, but there is no pause authorized.

Those who worry about the future are traitors, according to Adam Kinzinger. About the weekend, Kinzinger remarked, “This breathlessness over nukes is mind-blowing—nothing horrible will happen.” And while it’s possible that nothing horrible will happen, it’s also possible that something bad may happen very quickly.

That is common knowledge among adults. Anyone who’s been around long enough understands this. Take a look at a war that has taken place in the past. It’s amazing to me that some adults (and I’m talking about adults) are in favor of this tonight. Wes Clark and Philip Breedlove, two former Supreme Allied Commanders of NATO, are pushing for armed conflict with the Russian military.

Breedlove admitted in an interview with Foreign Policy Magazine that a no-fly zone would be “an act of war,” and he was right. Breedlove has already declared he’s in favor of it, so I’m grateful you spoke it aloud. Right now, a journalistic organization in good standing would start asking fundamental questions about what comes next. It’s fine to have a conflict with Russia.

Exactly what does that mean? What is the extent to which the United States and its citizens, those who would fight in this war, are willing to go to achieve their goal? If we start attacking Russia, will Putin pull his troops out of Ukrainian territory? After that, what remains of Ukraine? We can’t know for sure that Putin, whom we believe to be insane, will not go nuclear if a conflict breaks out with him. What will China’s role in this battle be, among many other questions?

China has become Putin’s strongest ally as a result of the Biden White House’s efforts. A long-term energy agreement between China and Russia has just been struck. They’ve got a stake in the outcome now. Going the future, Russia will be the engine driving China’s economy. The Biden White House did a terrific job. However, given this fact, how confident can we be that the Chinese will avoid getting involved in a war?



How do we know they won’t take down our digital infrastructure, which they seem to some considerable extent to control in our country… etc? You may conceive of numerous questions, but reporters aren’t asking any of them. Asking questions is now immoral. Richard Engel, who knows better, he’s the senior international correspondent at NBC, is now asking that American forces confront the Russian army. It’s a moral imperative.

“A big Russian convoy is only 30 miles from Kyiv, the US/NATO could likely destroy it, but that would be direct involvement against Russia and jeopardize everything. Does the West watch in silence as it rolls?”

And of course, the solution is implied. We can’t watch in silence. That would be immoral. If you’re a good person, you will support a war that could very easily turn into a nuclear conflict. Again, this is moral blackmail. No one in America takes delight at the sight, feels anything except repulsion at the sight, of Russian forces within Ukraine. It’s wrong. It’s destabilizing to the world. It is, in reality, against our principles, but how we respond is the question. Thoughtfully, has to be the answer unless we’re prepared to risk tremendous consequences.

Now Richard Haass, who is the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, would under normal circumstances, be exactly the man you would go to for a thoughtful and reasoned opinion on what to do next. That’s his job. Whatever you think of the Council on Foreign Relations, which we don’t think much about, they’re not a radical organization. Their role is to think through the repercussions of action. But not anymore. Richard Haass is foursquare in favor of a hot war with Russia. He’s pushing for “regime change in Moscow” because no doubt they’ll hail us as liberators. What might go wrong? Here’s Richard Haass:

RICHARD HAASS: We need now a response of necessity to his war of choice and there’s got to be to raise the economic costs at home, to raise the military costs on the ground. I hate to be so direct, but the most vulnerable thing that…vulnerable Putin’s to is dead Russian soldiers. So, we have to make sure Ukraine has the means to…resist.

When did a guy that irresponsible come over to the Council on Foreign Relations? And of course, that’s not his real job, the Council on Foreign Relations, his real job is being a cable news pundit, and that’s kind of the problem with the level of conversation around this war. The difficulty is that when real people with occupations that transmit true power start talking like cable news guests, things might go awry very rapidly. “Dead Russian soldiers.”


So it’s hardly a justification of Vladimir Putin to remind out once again that a shooting war with Russia may have tremendous ramifications for us since it’s not just Russian soldiers who will die. Americans would perish too, potentially many of them. And, by the way, it’s not all certain we would win that war. Sorry, it’s not. Ask anyone familiar with the current condition of readiness of the U.S. military. Is victory a foregone conclusion? Is this the roll into Baghdad? No, it’s not. This is not Saddam Hussein we’re talking about.

So again, the point is, are we ready for all of this? We’re headed down a path that could result in the downfall of the United States. Americans may be upset at Putin, understandably, but they’re cautious of where our politicians are going this next. A new CNN survey, for example, reveals a substantial majority of Americans, speaking of democracy, oppose immediate military action against Russia. Are they all traitors? Are they all pro-Putin? Probably not.

At the very least, they would appreciate, and we could use, a sober national discourse about the potential repercussions of where people like Richard Haass are bringing us now. That’s the reverse of what we’re getting. Instead, we’re getting buffoons like Adam Kinzinger sitting in his office making bellicose sounds on social media. Just the other day, Kinzinger posted photographs on Twitter of Ukrainian Air-Ace called the Ghost of Kyiv. He downed Russian MiGs left and right.

Well, turns out the whole thing was a scam, but of course, Adam Kinzinger had no idea because he knows nothing. “The #ghostofKyiv has a name and he has fully dominated the Russian Air Force,” he tweeted. Imagine a sitting member of Congress tweeting about war like it’s a TV news program.

“He fully owned the Russian Air Force.” Really? Get some respect. People are dying, buffoon. Kinzinger then uploaded a manipulated image of the comedian, Sam Hyde, seated in the cockpit of a fighter jet. Sam Hyde, for the record, is not a Ukrainian fighter…he is, once again, a comic. That was Adam Kinzinger. These are the individuals pushing us toward a new world war.

So, at the absolute least, let’s halt and think this out. That seems fair and as we do that, it is also worth analyzing what’s happening here in the United States, parallel with this war and justified by this war, and by that, we are speaking of the assault on civil liberties presently underway. It would be ironic if a defense of democracy, on the other side of the planet, led to a degradation of democracy here and yet that seems to be where we’re heading.

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Right after Russian soldiers entered Ukraine, Democrats immediately launched an attack on Vladimir Putin and their political opponents in the country. What were they supposed to do with it? What better time to unite than during war? The war and the human misery it inevitably brings are used to make partisan points, but we’re all in this together.

There have been several bizarre occurrences at MSNBC in recent weeks, including a regular who claimed that the entire fight was orchestrated by Putin’s mole, who just so happened to be the previous president of the United States.

Sarah KENDZIOR, PHD: Trump was elected president to destroy the alliances that were preventing Putin from attaining his goals—alliances like NATO, our relationship with our European allies, and Ukraine. Like a bulldozer, Trump was installed.

Let me try to explain this to you: We’ve spent three years pointing out how ridiculous the Russiagate people and their lies are, and yet somehow they’re now having a real impact on our foreign policy, and if you think we’re exaggerating the lunacy, try to follow the logic here. If you think we’re overstating the lunacy, try to follow the logic here. It was just like that, she told us.

When Vladimir Putin has a man in the White House who isn’t dependent on Russian oil and doesn’t want to pay more for their defence, he tells Europe to do the same. Yet somehow Putin waits to attack Ukraine until Trump is in Florida playing golf, and now it is Donald Trump’s fault that Europe is reliant on Russian energy supplies because of Putin’s actions. Vladimir Putin had it all planned out. All along, Republicans were hoping for this to happen.

You can imagine the nodding “yeah” of MSNBC viewers who have endured years of this. It all makes sense now, thanks to the pee tape. It’s frightening that this isn’t limited to MSNBC. When MSNBC hosts spout conspiracy theories and absurd political talking points, they’re not far off from Democratic policymakers. There is no significant and deadly fifth-column working for Vladimir Putin in the United States, as Democrats are currently pretending. Their conversation is constantly centred on themselves.

He just accepted the biggest donation available from a Nord Stream 2 AG lobbyist, for example, Eric Swalwell. The Russian government will make money off of this pipeline, which will give Russia greater control over Europe’s energy grid.

So. By the way, this is the same Eric Swalwell who had an extramarital affair with a Chinese spy and is now being paid by the Russians for his services. Has he engaged in sexual relations with Russian operatives in the past? In any case, you’ll see that the guy who’s taking money from Russian energy interests is accusing everyone else of being Russian sympathisers. We don’t know why.

When Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, and Tucker Carlson are rooting for the Russians and that is being aired on Russian TV to mobilize Russians for this cause, it makes it very difficult for President Biden to convince the whole country to go along.

Tucker Defense of Ukraine’s Democracy

I don’t know why you said it. We were hesitant to play it at all. It’s a relatively common occurrence. It’s a common refrain. What’s the point of stating that? Because of its political significance, it doesn’t make any sense at all. It’s a way to hide their trails from others. The foreign policy elite in the United States was unable to restrain Vladimir Putin.

It’s like a week ago when they were saying that sanctions and arming the Ukrainian military would keep Russia at bay. Now, they had it all backwards. Joe Biden, if we’re looking for a single American to blame for the invasion of Ukraine, he’s the one. They’ve been wrong many times, most recently in Afghanistan.

Inevitably, it was his responsibility to prevent it, as he stated in his bio. Of course, they’re not going to say it. Instead, they’re going after you, and they’re doing so with partisan motives in mind, as you know. In the last three days, it became clear that the Democrats were planning to use the Ukraine invasion in the same manner they used January 6th.

A terrible occurrence has occurred. In reality, no one is in favour of it. The January 6th riot was not supported by anyone. That’s for sure. However, partisan historians rewrite history on the spot. To get rid of Democratic Party opponents, you use the hysteria sparked by that occurrence — some of it justified, by the way; people have a right to be unhappy.

So, what exactly do they despise? Listen to what they say. Their aversion to the politics of the people is well-documented. Those in this country are more averse to populist politics than Vladimir Putin is. You’re seeing it first among our friends because they’re taking advantage of this chance to silence domestic criticism in the United States.

Weakening the United States’ defences against Russian invasion was made possible by Joe Biden’s “hostility” to energy production

There are a number of them that, including Canada, have banned journalists who don’t agree with their view of the war. To reiterate, if we want to safeguard democracy, we must begin at home, where the regime’s tolerance for dissent is defined literally. But there is no room for dissent in this regime. Why did Mother Jones Magazine ask this question today, given that RT has been taken off the airwaves in Canada?

In the United States, both RT and Sputnik are available. However, they don’t know what they don’t know.” Is Vice President Joe Biden going to do the same? This means that cable companies in the United States must look into Fox News, which has featured shows such as Tucker Carlson’s that have mocked pro-Russian talking points “As a matter of fact.

The invasion of Ukraine by Putin is a tragedy for the United States, but we’re using it to justify the closure of any news organization or journalist who questions the Democratic Party because we’re so concerned about democracy? OK. What on earth brought us here in the first place? When these people call for government censorship of free speech and proclaim themselves defenders of democracy, what has become of them? Just a taste of what’s to come. Additionally, anyone who backs voter ID laws is a member of the Kremlin network. Are you beginning to see how they intend to make use of this? Pelosi and Lee are on hand to explain.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.): During our discussion, we emphasised that the invasion of Ukraine was a direct attack on democracy in the country. It was Barbara who took the time to talk about domestic threats to democracy.

BARBARA LEE (R-FL): Around the world, people are engaged in the struggle for democracy. It’s not just in Ukraine; we’ve seen it here at home, thanks to misinformation and disinformation campaigns. In Ukraine, we can see this happening. People of colour, African-Americans, young people, seniors, and the disabled have had their voting rights taken away from them at times in the past.
Parsing the logic of something like that is pointless. You can’t help but be saddened by the people you just saw representing you in our Legislature, but let’s not forget that China is now Russia’s strongest ally in this war, which has real implications for people like Nancy Pelosi, whose family has made a fortune from China, or the entire American financial sector, or Hollywood, or all the rest of the rich and famous in the United States, to name just a few. Is it possible for them to get rid of these investments?

We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, you should keep in mind that partisan forces are using the Ukraine conflict to achieve their own political goals and gain more power in the United States. Neither voting rights nor the demise of Fox News is the only issue at hand.

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