Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku was a Romantic Comedy manga series written and illustrated by Fujita that was first published in Japan. The series, which is also known in Japanese as Wotaku ni koi Wa Muzukashii, is a romantic or comedic anime series. It first appeared on our screens in 2014 and hasn’t stopped stealing our hearts since. The release date for the tenth volume has already been announced for 2021. The anime adaptation, which lasted 11 episodes, only covered the first four books of the web manga series.
Wotakoi: no Cheats for Love” was an eleven-part anime series that aired on Japanese television in spring 2018. The show was directed by Yoshimasa Hiraike, who also worked as a scriptwriter at A-1 Pictures (the company behind “Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie 86 Anime”). The characters were designed by Takahiro Yasuda, while the music was composed by Akimitsu Honma. On Amazon Prime Video, you may watch all of the episodes with subtitles whenever you want.
Even though interest in anime and manga has continued to grow, the most popular series tend to feature teenage protagonists, particularly in slice-of-life episodes. “Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku” flips this notion on its head by featuring characters who are both approachable and unique. The exciting news is that an OVA episode of Wotakoi is scheduled to air on February 26, 2021. A limited version of the Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku OVA episode will be released by Studio Lapintrack as part of a limited edition of the manga volume 10.
The story revolves around a bunch of otaku who work at an office. Narumi enjoys sketching and reading yaoi doujinshi, which are Japanese comic books. Narumi’s partner, Hirotaka, is an ardent gamer, and their relationship allows her to be herself without the worry of being judged or disapproved of. Hanako is a well-known cosplayer who is best recognized for portraying male characters, whereas Kamakura, her high school sweetheart, enjoys reading manga and watching anime whenever he has spare time. Hirotaka has a younger brother named Hirotaka. Nao, who is clueless about pop culture and is hopelessly inadequate at gaming, becomes more engrossed in the hobby after becoming friends with the quiet Kou.