AP Score Release Date: When Does It Come Out In 2023?

If you have already taken an AP exam or are planning to take one in the near future, you are undoubtedly wondering when the scores for the AP exams will be released. The unfortunate reality is that you will have to wait a little bit longer to receive your AP scores compared to when you receive your SAT or ACT scores.

Continue reading to find out exactly when the results of the AP exam will be released. Find out where to locate your Advanced Placement scores and receive some pointers on what you can do while you are waiting for them.


AP Score Release Dates For 2023

If you take your AP exams in May, your results should be available in early to mid-July 2023.

Although the College Board has not specified a specific date for the distribution of results, they are typically available by the second week of July. Each student often receives all of their test results at the same time, but score releases are typically spread out over a few days. AP scores are typically distributed by rough geographic region. In 2016, for example, all states on the east coast received their results first, while those in the Northwest received theirs last.

AP Score Release Date

Where Can I Find My AP Scores?

AP exam results are available on the AP student website. You’ll be able to access them through your College Board account, so keep your username and password handy.

Your AP number or the student ID number you used on your AP response sheet will also be required. You will not receive a letter or score report in the mail if you have AP scores.

Why Does It Take So Long to Grade AP Exams?

While having AP scores available online saves time, why does the College Board take two months to grade AP examinations when you can obtain your SAT scores in a matter of weeks?

The reason for this is that grading free-response questions takes a long time. Although the multiple-choice sections are scored automatically by a computer, the free replies are not graded until the annual AP Reading conference in June.

This is essentially a massive conference where thousands of high school teachers and college professors assemble to grade all of the AP free-response parts. The AP Reading typically lasts two weeks. The AP scoring procedure takes longer because it does not begin until June.

After the conference, the College Board must work rapidly to combine the free-response and multiple-choice results, which requires weighing and then scaling them to the final 1-5 scoring scale. Readers have only two weeks before the final AP results are announced online in July to complete all of this. Despite the fact that the full scoring procedure takes two months, more than four million AP tests are assessed by real individuals every year!

Still, Waiting For AP Results? What Should You Do in the Meantime?

You’ll have to wait to check your AP scores until they’re released online, so keep yourself busy. AP exams usually end in May (2020 and 2021 extended into June), but most school years go until late May or June, so finish strong. Now that the AP examinations are done, focus on your grades, especially in AP subjects, to boost your GPA for college admissions.

To get a good mark in finals, study diligently. Don’t put off preparing for finals—they’re worth a lot of your class mark! If you’re a freshman or sophomore, you could start ACT or SAT prep now. Early preparation for these tests will help you do better.


Juniors should have taken the SAT/ACT. If not, study for one following your AP test. After AP testing, start studying if you’re retaking the SAT/ACT. By the time AP tests are through, seniors will likely have chosen colleges, so finish strong and enjoy graduation!

AP Score Release Date

What To Do Next After Receiving Your AP Scores?

whether you’ve completed your AP tests, start looking through the College Board’s college database to see whether you can earn credit for your scores. You can also learn about the College Board’s score reporting service and start thinking about college applications (if you’re a junior).

If, on the other hand, you did not pass an AP exam, you should think about retaking it next year, especially if it is a course for which you want college credit. Discuss your alternatives with your guidance counselor and/or AP teacher.

Finally, return in August to discover whether you were eligible for any of the AP Student honors. These are essentially trophies that you receive if you achieve a particular amount of passing scores on the AP tests. If you win an award, your name will appear on any score reports you send to universities. Nice!

You can be visiting dailyrealtime.com for more interesting news and facts about AP Score.

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